Exercises to increase your pleasure

The Kegel exercises were designed to avoid common alterations such as uterine incontinence or also to facilitate delivery. In the sexual field are the exercises that you have to practice to get good results when it comes to getting more sexual pleasure.

These exercises are named after him Dr. Arnold Kegel, who he invented them to strengthen the muscles of pelvic floor . There are several ways to perform Kegel exercises, but all are based on contracting and relaxing the pubococcygeus muscle or pelvic floor muscle (PC) repeatedly, in order to increase strength and endurance, and thus prevent or avoid urinary incontinence and other related problems.

The PC muscle is the main muscle of the pelvic floor. It has a nerve connection that reaches the pelvic nerve, a branch that connects the uterus and the bladder in women (In the case of man, connect the bladder and the prostate with the lower part of the spine.) If the PC muscle is strong, it then becomes the largest transmitter of energy. In man the contraction of this muscle stimulates the prostate and in the woman the uterus.


Exercises for women


  1. The slow . Squeeze the muscles as when trying to stop the urine, pulling them up. Contract them and keep them that way while you count up to 5 breathing gently. Then, relax them for 5 more seconds, and repeat the series 10 times. Try to progressively increase the time of contraction and relaxation. Start for 5 seconds in each case until you reach 20. The longer you can hold the muscle contraction, the stronger will be made.
  2. The fast . Squeeze and relax the muscles as fast as you can until you get tired or about 2 or 3 minutes (whichever comes first). Start with 10 repetitions four times a day until you reach 50 repetitions a day.
  3. The elevator . This exercise requires some concentration, but its results are very good. Your vagina is a muscular tube with ring-shaped sections arranged one above the other. Imagine that each section is a different floor of a building, and that you raise and lower an elevator by tensioning each section. Start by gently climbing the elevator to the first floor, hold it for a second, and go up to the second floor. Keep climbing as many plants as you can (normally no more than five). To lower, it also holds a second on each floor. When you get down, try going to the basement, pushing the pelvic muscles down for a few seconds (just as if you were in labor). Finally, try to completely relax the muscles for a few seconds. Above all, do not forget to breathe slowly and do not perform the exercise with the help of the abdominal muscles.
  4. The wave . Some pelvic floor muscles are arranged in the form of an eight, but with three rings. One ring is placed around the urethra, another around the vagina, and the last around the anus. Contract these muscles from front to back and relax them backwards.


Exercises for Men

The Kegel exercises they can also be beneficial for the male, because they are capable of giving him a greater capacity to choose the moment of ejaculate , and its continued practice can help prevent and even treat premature ejaculation.

The exercises for men are practically the same as the woman's exercises are very basic and always consist of contracting and relaxing, the only thing that varies is the number of repetitions and the time that we maintain the contraction.

  1. In this case, it would be a matter of contracting sphincter or the muscles around the year as when trying to contain a flatulence, by slow contractions (containing the sphincters for 10 seconds and then relaxed gently another ten seconds) and fast (5 and 10 strong contractions three times a day)

These exercises can be done anywhere, since they do not require a specific position or any excessive effort, you can practice them while driving, in the office without anyone noticing. So you know start exercising your pelvic floor muscles and improve your sex life.

Video Medicine: The Sexual Pleasure Love Muscle / Pelvic Floor Exercise for Women and Men - Dr Mandell (April 2024).