Every action leads to a reaction

Adversity, obstacles and frustration they are emotions that every human being can experience after not achieving the desired objective. Added to this is the discouragement and, above all, the lack of motivation ; But how can we ensure that the latter does not fade after complications?

In accordance with Yesica Aguirre Cedillo and Fany Jardón García, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the motivation it is a proactive behavior that is aimed at achieving goals, and it is very difficult to consider any behavior (animal or human) that is not motivated in this sense.


Every action leads to a reaction

The motivation it is an internal state that activates, directs and maintains the behavior of the person towards certain goals or purposes; is the impulse that moves to perform certain actions and persist in them for its completion. However, as stay motivated even when things are not going well?

Here we offer some tips that will help you achieve this with information from Sarina Tomel, speaker and author of Valiente and Notable.

1. Visualize in the short and long term the benefits that you will obtain when achieving that objective. It sounds!

2. Think of the people who will be there to achieve your success.

3 . The competition It is healthy, as long as it is with yourself. Tell yourself that even if they do not believe in you, you do and believe it.

4. Find the reward that most generates satisfaction. Reward your effort. Celebrate the achievement.

5. Listen to music. Any song is valid, as long as it fills you with positive thoughts, but above all energy to carry out your goal.

6. Obligate to act. There will be times when you have little energy and others in which you will have to do tasks that you do not like. In these cases: self-control Obligate to act.

7. Look at the part you've got.

However, being motivated can go beyond a emotional state. According to a study published by the magazine PLoS Biology.

The part of the brain involved in the motivation that we need both to carry out actions that involve physical effort and in the performance of those that suppose a "mental challenge" is found in an area of ​​the brain. brain known as ventral striatum.

Do not let the motivation withdraw from your life, help her achieve your goals.

Video Medicine: Couple Reacts : Every Superhero Ever!!! by Smosh Reaction (April 2024).