European crisis produces negative stress

The financial crisis that lives Europe is taking its toll on the emotional health of millions of people. It particularly affects countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Greece, where the increase in taxes and cuts in wages, social benefits and labor rights happen every day.

The lack of expectations of recovering the previous conditions of social welfare , they are elements Stressful that modify the conduct human to adapt it to change , warns the psychologist Francisco Rodríguez, professor of neuropsychology at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

According to the specialist, there is a positive stress that arises "when a physiological reaction occurs with the release of adrenalin and other substances in situations such as having a child or taking out the lottery. "

However, the expert warns about the distress or negative stress , which does generate situations pathological . "In psychology, stressful situations are usually classified according to a scale ranging from 0 to 100. Thus, separation or divorce has a value of 70, lose the work it would remain at 47, and the economic problems, the labor conflict or the change in the type of work activity would reach 38 points ".

The energy that is required for that adaptation is limited and the first alarm symptoms appear, which are usually generally bad feeding and the disturbances in sleep , explains Rodriguez.

In 1998, a study by Harvard University determined that the five most common global diseases, planned for 2020, would be related to the stress as an immunosuppressive factor: heart disease , depression , accidents of traffic, strokes and chronic respiratory diseases.

On the contrary, in the present and specifically in Spain, there is an increase in the number of queries directly related to the crisis and all its effects.

Headache , digestive disorders, muscle and joint pain, fatigue Y exhaustion , immunosuppression and, therefore, greater vulnerability to contracting any disease, are some of the main reasons for consultation in the plan somatic or organic

In the mental, psychological or emotional order, there is an exacerbation of the pathologies in those who already suffered them, especially in terms of paintings anxiety , depression and all kinds of dependencies, as well as the appearance of these disorders for the first time.

Different analyzes and observations indicate that, in times of crisis like the ones we are living in, what most takes away from dream and disturbs 75% of the population is the work and the money . For what they constitute in the first elements Stressful and in health problems worldwide.

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