Emotional intelligence in minors

The most successful people are not those who have obtained the best grades in school or those who have had the luck to live in a privileged social and economic environment, but those who have managed to develop an optimal emotional intelligence.

The emotional intelligence is the skill essential of people to attend and perceive the feelings appropriately and accurately, the ability to assimilate and understand them adequately and the ability to regulate and modify our mood or that of others.

This ability to handle emotions properly can and should be developed from the first years of life, since these are expressed from birth, and throughout life, although it is during puberty and adolescence when there is a need to reinforce it.

Experts in the field, such as Daniel Goleman, author of the famous book "Emotional intelligence" , point out that adolescence is a decisive stage in the history of every person. Feelings flow with extraordinary strength and instability, it is the age of great spirits and discouragement, many experience the rebellion of not being able to control their feelings or understand their complexity.


Strategies to stimulate emotional intelligence in children

There are several, according to specialists, but they include:

  • Give name to feelings and emotions , like anger or sadness, helps recognize them when they feel them. Knowing what they feel can help them cope with that emotion.
  • Orient them: Once children know how to recognize their emotions, it is important to give them basic rules to deal with them. An example: in case of anger, they must learn not to hurt themselves, or others, and we must explain what they can do, such as drawing angry figures or learning to relax when they are nervous or upset.
  • Praise the positive: When you face your emotions well or show concern for others, you have to congratulate them and make them feel that you are aware of them.
  • Teach them by example: This is the best way for their daughters or sons to understand how to adequately express emotions, without causing harm. For example, if you have had a bad day at the office, go for a walk instead of screaming and getting even with others. If you have a bad temper explosion in front of your children, talk to them later and tell them why you were in a bad mood; point out to them that they faced their feelings in the wrong way and that they will try to do better next time.

A beloved child will be a confident adult person.

Video Medicine: 10 Most Emotional Movies of All Time (April 2024).