Effective remedy to eliminate acne of the chest and back

Acne can occur at any age and in any area of ​​the body, only that we usually attack facial acne and neglect other parts of the body,

Acne in the chest, back and arms can appear due to hormonal imbalances, intolerance to certain foods or for genetic reasons and to eliminate or control it, there are simple tips that you can prepare and do from home.

1. The most basic is to wash your face twice a day with soap and water. Ideally, it should be done when waking up in the morning and before going to bed.

2. You can use water-based skin care products, as they do not contain chemicals that you may be allergic to.

3. The doctor can recommend some products or you can investigate on your own to check if they are safe to use. Some examples are benzyl peroxide, salicylic acid and tea tree oil. Make sure you follow the instructions correctly for your application

Video Medicine: Dermatology Treatments : How to Get Rid of Back Acne Fast (April 2024).