Eating yogurt and nuts serve to lose weight

Scientists of the Harvard School of Public Health they assure that if you want to keep yourself thin , you must consume large portions of yogurt Y nuts of hard skin, so they affirmed in a study in which it was found that people who increase their consumption of foods rich in fiber, such as almonds, nuts, pistachios, peanuts and other nuts of hard shell, fruit, yogurt and vegetables, They really lose weight.

The scientists discovered that the more healthy products we eat, more weight we lose long term, but the food that seems to cause the most weightloss , is the yogurt .

In the investigation, published in New England Journal of Medicine (Journal of Medicine of New England), almost 120 thousand people participated, the mostly women .

The study followed a register of participants for more than 20 years to quantify the effect of consumption of certain types of foods in the loss or increase of body weight .

Perhaps it is not surprising that the food associated with the greatest increase in weight were potato chips. Each additional daily serving of potato chips produced an increase of more than 1.40 kilos every four years during the study period.

Similar results were found with the consumption of additional portions of potatoes, sugary drinks and meat.


On the other hand, the products that achieved a reduction in body weight They were healthy, like fruit, hard-shelled nuts, whole grains, vegetables and yogurt. But what surprised the researchers was that the consumption of additional portions of yogurt Y nuts, Each day had a greater impact on weight loss than the consumption of fruit and vegetables.

Scientists believe, that maybe it's because people feel more satisfied for more time For example, an additional portion of yogurt led to a loss of 0.37 kilos in weight, and with a portion of vegetables the loss was 0.1 kilos. With the nuts the weight loss was 0.26 kilos, with fruit of 0.22 kilos and with integral grains of 0.17 kilos.

The teacher Dariush Mozaffarian , who led the study, believes that the explanation could be in the content of fiber of these foods.

"Its inverse association with weight gain suggests that the increase in consumption reduced the consumption of other foods with more calories, which decreased the overall amount of energy consumed.The higher fiber content and the shorter time of digestion of these foods perhaps they increase the satiety , and its greater consumption could be displacing other highly processed products in the diet ", says the researcher.

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