Eat through the colors

There is a theory that holds that eating vegetables Y fruits of five different colors , it feeds us better. The idea is based on the use of vitamins , the minerals and the photochemical that hide behind the green, white, orange-yellow, red and blue-violet pigments of food.

Mixing them not only creates more colorful and appetizing dishes, but also takes advantage of their nutritional qualities. Find out what they are.


  • What colors to eat

According to this theory, fruits Y vegetables that should not be missing in the colorful diet They are classified as follows:

1. Greens . This food group is characterized by being rich in vitamin C , potassium Y folic acid that strengthen the immune system , as well as antioxidants .

Lettuce, chard, spinach; artichokes, asparagus and broccoli, avocados, green apple, pear and kiwi, belong to this group.

2. Targets . They are foods such as onions, cauliflower, mushrooms, garlic, banana or melon. They help prevent cardiovascular diseases Y diabetes ; reduce levels of cholesterol and regulate blood pressure .


Orange power

3. Oranges and yellows. Foods such as orange, carrot, grapefruit, lime and lemon; corn, pineapple, peach and mango that are rich in beta carotene and vitamins A and C. These are excellent for improving the view , strengthen the immune system and avoid injuries in the dermis .

4. Reds. This group includes watermelon, tomatoes, peppers, raspberries, strawberries, cherries and all kinds of forest fruits that contain protective components against Cancer and the cardiovascular diseases .

5. Blue-violet. The berries, grapes, blueberries, plums, figs and aubergines are part of this group that due to its high content of antioxidants ; fight el aging and they contribute to maintain the memory in good state.

Every year and during the month of September, some countries of the world celebrate the campaign "Five a day, the color route " , an educational program designed to raise awareness among the population, particularly children, about the importance of consuming at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day.