Eat induced to save lives

When a pathology or brain injury, that may cause an increase in intracranial pressure , the application of the induced coma .

Through this mechanism, silk the patient to reduce their consumption of oxygen Y Energy , with the purpose of putting the brain to sleep".

In this way, doctors will be able to monitor the brain activity of people. However, the impact that family members and / or friends have when they see their loved one in that state is very strong; He is completely sedated and does not react to any stimulus.

With the induced coma it seeks to protect the brain of the patient, to give the body time to recover. In this state the organ needs less blood , oxygen Y glucose .

According to the German Clinic of Intensive Care , the induced coma is applied "so that the patient gets used, for example, to a mechanic ventilation that will last longer than usual, or because it needs to not consume much oxygen , do not move or cough. "

The increase in intracranial pressure It can be caused by a wound in the brain, a blow, tumor or for a infection .


Take care of the brain

The key is to protect the brain of a secondary injury that could be caused by the high internal pressure ; although a swelling is a mechanism of the body to repair, in the brain it can be harmful, because if the Pressure is not reduced, some parts of this body stop receiving oxygenated blood .

How to keep the patient in induced coma blood flow is reduced and the brain metabolism , blood vessels become thin, swelling decreases and with this, a potential brain damage attached.

When the doctors verify that the patient is already able to be without the induced coma , little by little, all the sedation is removed and the process of analysis and assessment begins, where it will first be analyzed if it has a "normal" return, that it remembers its name, where it lives, etc.

In some cases, patients have delusions or they lose short-term memory temporarily. If the person remembers who he is, etc ... then some resonances must be made in the brain to assess your health status.

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Video Medicine: What Happens When You're In a Coma? (April 2024).