Early stimulation as an option for the development of the baby

It has been developed as a method pedagogical based on scientific theories and neurological studies worldwide. With early stimulation, babies are expected to nourish their innate talent for to learn with ease, taking into account the sensitive and cognitive periods.

Liliana Stein's book, "Early Stimulation" specifies that this method takes advantage of the learning and adaptation capacity of the brain for the benefit of the child through exercises and games whose intention is to provide a series of repetitive stimuli, which potentiate brain functions. I was able to find myself in any activity of contact or play with another baby or child that develops their human potentials.

Through early stimulation the baby is given the tools appropriate to his age, which allow him to overcome challenges and at the same time generate curiosity to explore the world around him. The most used material for this task include colors, shapes, sounds and movements.

It is necessary to consult with specialists the type, periodicity and suitable moment for the beginning of the early stimulation, since when the child is trying to learn something prematurely or is over-stimulated, without his neural circuits being perfectly developed, it can affect the subsequent development.

Video Medicine: Neurodevelopment of Preterm Babies (April 2024).