Drinking beer is the best aphrodisiac, we give you 4 reasons ...

In addition to helping you socialize to shy people, beer is a decisive element that can improve your skills and performance as a lover. If you are a man, you have probably heard that drinking too much beer will make you unable to get an erection.

However, this hypothesis has been discarded by the sexologist Kat Van Kirk, who in his most recent book "Solution to marital sex: a realistic guide to save your sex life", says that this drink has four benefits in relation to sex:

1. Delays ejaculation: It has this effect, because it has a substance known as phytoestrogens (plant compounds very similar to estrogen), which according to several studies are effective to have a better performance and delay orgasm.

2. Increase sexual desire: Black beer promotes longer and much more intense erections, thanks to its iron content, that is, the darker the beer and the higher the alcohol content, the more blood will reach the penis and the erection will improve.

3. Sexual resistance: Those men who drink beer moderately, have less risk of cardiovascular disease; Which is why, when mixed with exercise, this beverage will help you maintain a healthy heart and resistant to extreme activities.

4. Strengthens the health of the organism : Because of its high content of probiotics and B vitamins, so you will never feel weak during sexual intercourse.

Another fact you should know, is that beer contains ginseng, an element that manages to pump blood to the right places and therefore, contributes to the desire is inexhaustible.

Video Medicine: Irish People Try Aphrodisiac Drinks (April 2024).