Does it harm us?

Instead of consuming proteins of the meat, specialists suggest to increase the intake of vegetable proteins present in products of the traditional Mexican diet, there are several reasons to consume beans and corn , including reducing obesity .

However, in recent years the consumption and production of these products has decreased. Three decades ago, the consumption of bean among Mexicans it was 19 kilograms per person per year, currently it is only 9 kilograms. The intake of corn It dropped from 400 to 285 grams daily per person.


Does it harm us?

By removing these foods from our daily diet, we stop consuming proteins good quality vegetables and antioxidants necessary for a better metabolism.

Amanda Gálvez Mariscal , researcher of Department of Food and Biotechnology of the Faculty of Chemistry of the UNAM , says that these proteins are presented in the different colors of the bean , but especially in the black.

Little by little the population has stopped consuming corn Y bean and has given more importance to the consumption of proteins of animal origin, such as eggs, meat and milk. The impact of this reduction exceeds the good nutrition , according to the specialist.


If you do not eat beans, you stop eating proteins and you are damaging Mexican biodiversity. We are a center of origin and diversity of beans, here there is a large amount of beans that people no longer want to plant, because people no longer buy them

The wide variety of food products that exist in our country allow the diet traditional Mexican provide the necessary nutrients for day to day. In addition, not only the type of food we consume is important, but also our composition genetics .

Return to the consumption of products as basic as bean , corn or vegetables would lead us to avoid diseases such as diabetes and myocardial infarctions, among others, affect the population and become a public health problem.

Dr. Gálvez Mariscal, says that according to the National Health Survey 2006 three out of 10 children and seven out of 10 adults have problems of overweight Y obesity in the Federal District.

On the other hand, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) notes that Mexico is the nation with the highest number of obese people in the world, that is, 32.8% of its population suffers from this disease.

The specialist points out that the overweight and the obesity they could avoid following the healthy menu established by the Official Mexican Standard in what is known as "The plate of good eating", which indicates that daily fruits, vegetables, combine cereals with legumes and, in a moderate way, eat fatty foods of animal origin.

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