Does environment influence the brain?

The nervous and neurological system begins its formation from the middle of the first trimester of gestation to the first five years of life; however, a critical stage occurs at three years, because it is when the largest number of neurons are produced.

At birth the functions are genetically programmed and the nervous system functions as a predominantly reflex structure, so it is defined as immature.

Because the brain during the first years is immature, the greatest impact is obtained through stimulation and not a drug.

Any agent that can cause an aggression to the organism can injure or prevent an adequate neuronal communication. Adequate neuronal interconnection is the basis for the acquisition of motor, sensory, language, and cognitive skills, among others.

Thanks to advances in science we know that brain development, even before birth, is influenced by environmental factors such as nutrition, affection and stimulation. It is known that the brain brings a structure determined by the genetics of 60% and 40% depends on the environmental influence.

If we observe that the child has a low development it will be necessary to perform a neurological, psychological, psychopedagogical evaluation, as the case may be. This will allow to evaluate the level of nervous system deficiencies taking into account their age.

Therefore, the earlier a problem is diagnosed, the better the prognosis. Remember that an adequate and timely intervention will allow adequate and successful development in all areas.

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Video Medicine: Environmental and Genetic Factors Influence on the Brain (April 2024).