Do you want to learn to meditate?

Do you suffer stress , anxiety and constantly suffer muscle tension? So a good option is that you know and integrate into your life, the meditation , but How to learn to meditate?

Achieve it in very simple, you only need to give yourself a few minutes a day to be in contact with your emotions and listen to your body, no special wardrobe or accessory is required, the most important thing is you.

Thus, GetQoralHealth invites you to connect to our videochat the next Monday, March 25 at 7:00 p.m. hours and learn to meditate with the yogi and director of the Mexican Institute of Yoga (IMY), Ana Paula Domínguez .

Anyone can practice meditation . You can do it while you walk , you run , etc; meditate means "observe and be aware of your actions", in this way you can make better decisions, see yourself and feel better.
Here are some benefits of this millenary practice:

1. Through the meditation You reduce your levels of stress ; your body relaxes and improves your mood.
2. In accordance with Mayo Clinic when meditating your physical and / or emotional pains are reduced.
3. Improve your self-esteem
4. Strengthen your immunological system .
5 . You reduce your negative emotions
What are you waiting for? Be part of this great experience with Ana Paula Domínguez, you only need to connect at 7:00 p.m. this Monday, March 25 and subscribe to our channel. Youtube . We will wait for you!

Video Medicine: How to Meditate - Meditation for Beginners - Day 1 (April 2024).