Do you want to be happier?

Personal happiness? According to the philosopher Aristotle, this state is the main objective of all people; However, how can it be achieved? What are its causes? How long does it last? What prevents you from achieving it?

Beyond professional success, emotional stability and health, personal happiness can be affected by life experiences and by the capacity for concentration that the individual has in the "here and now."

This is what he expresses Matthew Killingsworth, creator of the application for iPhone. A mechanism that measures happiness in real time and that has led the specialist to discover that a scattered mind is an unhappy mind, as shown in the following video made for the page TED web:

According to the specialist and his colleague Daniel Gilbert, both from Harvard University , people wander 49, 9% of the waking hours, a situation that makes them less happy.

This dispersion in attention is due to the fact that human beings are the only ones that possess the ability to think about past or future events or that they could never happen. This skill allows to learn, reason and plan, but it is possible that at a very high cost: happiness.

Not everything is lost, if your goal is to achieve personal happiness GetQoralHealth It offers you three tips to achieve it:

1. Have a positive attitude. There will always be unpleasant events that will make you suffer. A positive approach will allow you to live fully.

2. Accept you as you are. You should feel proud of yourself, your abilities and who you are. Never compare yourself with others, you are unique.

3. Live today and now. There is no tomorrow and the past has already passed, therefore only the present remains, focus on it and enjoy it.

Happiness is a concept that changes in each person, therefore you are the only one who can decide what makes you happy and what does not.

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