Do you use your cell phone at night? Watch out! You could gain extra kilos ...

Night comes, you get ready to go to bed and, already wearing pajamas, take your cell phone to check your social networks and send messages to your beau. However, this nocturnal habit could make you gain weight ...

Although it sounds illogical or not very credible, the use of telephones at night can harm and modify our metabolism , since the light that is emitted from these electric appliances It can increase our appetite.

Ivy Cheung , researcher of the University of Northwetern in Chicago, explains that exposure to the light of these electronics at night causes that after 15 minutes the desire to eat wakes up and the dream is affected.

There are experiments with mice by the University of Granda in Spain they found that exposing rodents to these rays of artificial light began to gain weight.

According to the researcher Sander Koojiman, each organism is different, but the fact that people gain weight, due to the use of cell phones at night, is due to the fact that the light alters the cells that are responsible for burning calories.

So it is advisable that all electronic devices such as cell phones, computers or tablets remain off or out of reach.

In this way we will be able to rest better without climbing those extra pounds.

Courtesy of Delirious Cuisine @cocinadelirante


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