Do you prefer to stay with the doubt?

Among the medical procedures that most instill fear or anxiety are operations. Beyond if they are aesthetic or for health reasons, a surgery is a subject of which you should always be informed before and after it takes place.

According to Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy , a surgery is part of medicine and aims to cure diseases through interventions or operations.


Do you prefer to stay with the doubt?

Although all surgery produces fear it is better to be informed about what you are going to face, for that reason GetQoralHealth, with information from New York Hospital- Presbyterian, Five questions you should ask before any surgery:

1. What is the recommended operation? Your doctor should clearly explain the surgical procedure, the steps to follow and provide illustrative examples.

2. Why is the procedure necessary? The reasons for having surgery can vary from alleviating or preventing pain to diagnosing a problem, to improving the function of the body.

3. What are my alternatives to this procedure? In some cases, drug or nonsurgical treatments, such as making changes in lifestyle, can be as helpful in improving a condition as surgery is.

4. What are the risks and possible complications when performing the operation? Surgery always involves some risks, so before the intervention it is important to weigh the benefits against the risks. Ask your doctor to give you a general idea of ​​possible complications such as infection and bleeding, and possible side effects that may occur after the procedure.

5. What happens if you do not operate? If after weighing the benefits and risks of the surgery, you decide not to operate, what will happen? You need to know if the condition will get worse or if there is a possibility that you can resolve on its own.

Before undergoing any surgical procedure it is necessary that you have full communication with your doctor. Remember, the best thing in these cases is to be always informed.