Do you know how to choose your partner?

To run into a man full of physical, emotional and intellectual qualities is not something that happens very often, so you have to analyze how to choose a partner. When a guy of this level appears before your eyes, you do not stop to see if he shares his life or not with another woman and you put everything that is on your side to get his attention.

The downside is that when you overlook respect for an existing relationship, someone will inevitably be damaged. Always the best is to play clean, but in love issues, how do you choose your partner?

1.- The man of your dreams was finally presented, the small detail is that he has a girlfriend that you know very well and you know they love each other, what do you do?

to) In war and love, everything is worth it, so you make yourself noticed and show that you are much better than the girl you go out with.
b) A subtle flirting never hurts, he should know that if he suddenly becomes single, there is already someone waiting for him.
c) Not to mention, your principle of life is to respect other men.

2.- You know that your boss is single, you like him and shows some interest for you, but also one of his close friends catches your attention, how do you face the situation?

to) You go with everything, he has to be for you, so do not hesitate to invite him out.
b) You try to know your opponent and as a war strategy: you must know their strengths and weaknesses to take advantage of everything in your favor.
c) You simply behave as you are and try to know more about it, after all you also have to evaluate if it is really what you are waiting for.

3.- You have started dating a boy, to whom the opinion of his mother about the girl with whom he leaves matters a lot, how do you behave before her?

to) Indifferent, in the end your opinion does not interest you, if your mom does not like you, she will be the one with the problem.
b) You talk to her to find out what is waiting for her son and adapt your behavior to that.
c) You know that the one who should know you best is him, so you're just yourself and you do not try to pretend.

4.- A friend of yours tells you about her partner, whom you already know, and describes him as an almost heavenly being, now they have fought and that relationship is at risk, what are you doing?

to) You console them, those museum pieces can not be left adrift, with those who clothe them.
b) Slowly you try to conquer it, so that it will not think badly about you.
c) Of course it's a sweet temptation, but you'd never interfere to spoil that relationship, they'll fix it and hopefully you, the revolution will do you justice and reward you with a guy from that lineage.

5.- The obligatory question for you arises: What would you be willing to do to have the man you like?

to) All absolutely, the end in life is to be happy, so you do not mind going over whoever it is to achieve it.
b) Humanly possible, but that no one suffer so much and of course, you less than anyone.
c) Play clean, no one can put your happiness in the misfortune of others and above all, you are not willing to put yourself at risk.

Majority of A: You live with the idea that love allows everything, but you can not leave aside the dignity and respect that all human beings deserve to receive and provide for ourselves. Ask yourself if you are really interested in the man who appears to you or just wants to have it to show everyone, including you, that you have what you want.

Majority of B: You need to give direction to your heart, you see what others have and it may seem very desirable, although deep down you are not sure you want it. Love must be lived with honesty and conviction, beyond the attractions that characterize a person, and for this feeling to exist it is essential that you leave aside these elements to know in depth the subject in question and allow him to do it with you .

Majority of C: Clarity is your key message about love and you have a deep respect for it, which is wonderful for the women you are close to, for you are sure that you will not betray them.

This attitude guarantees that when an opportunity presents itself in your life, you will have all the elements to recognize that it is something that can be destined for success or at least it will leave you with a good experience. "The principle of patience begins with oneself." If you want to know more information write to

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Video Medicine: How To Choose A Partner Wisely (April 2024).