Do you cancel your friends regularly?

I'm tired, the week was exhausting, I really want to accompany you, but ... are some of the excuses that are usually offered at the time of Cancel a date, be social or work. This is done by every individual at some time in his life; However, what happens when it becomes a pattern, a routine that affects personal and social relationships?

In an article published by the Psychology Today Blog , the specialist Andrea Bonior , psychologist, points out how the intervention of technology has generated Cancel a date it becomes something simpler, since it avoids listening to the voice of disapproval and guilt that appears when facing the person.

In fact, in a study conducted by the social network Badoo It was discovered that 43% of people between 18 and 24 years old have canceled an invitation through a text message or Facebook.

The specialist, who has collaborated with the Washington Post Express, says that not only technologies make Cancel a date It is easier, but this action can become, in many cases, something chronic and therefore the individual should be asked the following questions:

1. Do you want to continue with the relationship?

2. Do you feel obligated?

3. Do you not feel interest in the person?

Bonior indicates that these three questions could answer why a person becomes a chronic "canceller"; Although the specialist suggests that this behavior can also start from the fact that you want to hide something from others, to a depression, social anxiety or attention span.

Before canceling an appointment you must take into account, how can this affect the person you are rejecting ?, yourself ?, the development of your social and professional relationships?

Always try to be honest with yourself and with others, this will allow you to start and keep new relationships, and avoid falling into the habit of canceling appointments.

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Video Medicine: How Popular Are You Among Your Friends? (April 2024).