Do you always pull your hair?

Do you always pull your hair? Maybe this action you do unconsciously when you are very stressed, however you have to be careful because it could trichotillomania, a little known disorder, so here we tell you what is the trichotillomania .

According to Trichotillomania Learning Center (TLC) is a very difficult to treat compulsive disorder, those who suffer take the time to separate a hair (commonly from the head but also occurs in eyebrows, eyelashes, arms, beard and armpits) and pull it up to tear it.

When the compulsion is severe, people can leave small gaps in their hair or even register severe baldness.

It is a impulse control disorder (such as kleptomania) in which the person feels tense until the moment he pulls the hair. Once he manages to pluck that hair a sense of relief comes to him.

It can become part of a "ritual" in which the person searches for specific types of hair to pull. If the person does not pull the hair always from the same place it is very difficult to diagnose the problem because these "spaces of baldness" are not created immediately.

As the person who suffers from this is not necessarily aware that it is a disorder, she does not seek help herself. The most common causes are stress, an obsessive-compulsive disorder or depression. Some specialists explain in detail some cases:

When cases are not severe, family support may be enough to decrease the behavior until it is eliminated, but patients may also benefit from therapy sessions, especially when it is caused by depression .

It is important that if someone in your family has these behaviors or if you yourself feel pleasure or calm by tearing your hair talk to someone about it. There are medical treatments that help you deal with this compulsion. It's never too late to ask for help!

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Video Medicine: Psychological Disorder Makes People Pull Out Their Own Hair (April 2024).