Do not you understand your partner?

When you have a discussion with the partner it is believed that the origin of this is due to differences in personality and thought that exist between both; however, the problem could be found in not paying attention when the other expresses his desire or concern.

According to a study conducted by the Ohio State University, in the United States , the discuss or communicate with your partner in the wrong way can damage your health in a physical way. Through an analysis of 37 couples, the experts discovered that those who had a more positive communication with his partner they used to have a better cicatrization and recovery after an accident.


Do not you understand your partner?

Although it is believed that listening can be easy to perform, it does not always happen that way. And for the success of a relationship communication is an essential part, therefore through information from the psocology expert David Posen we offer you 4 tips to listen "better" to your partner.

1. Be in the moment. Avoid interrupting a joke or changing the subject. If he's been talking for a while and you want more clarity at some point in the conversation , just say, "I'm listening to what you say." In this way, you can add to the conversation and he can clarify the doubtful aspects.

2. Make sure the time is right. If you are making dinner and your partner wants to talk, you may lose part of what he says. Ask him if he can wait so he can give all of you Attention.

3. Do not rush with your opinion. Before launching yourself to say what you think, make sure he wants to hear. Ask before if you want to know what you think about it. If he says yes, offer your advice. If he says no, tell him you're glad he shared it with you. Do not get mad.

4. Try to maintain eye contact. The contact with eyes it is a sign that you are focused on what you are saying.

Remember that the success or failure of your relationship It depends on you. Always try to have good communication with your partner and, above all, respect .