Do not let your thoughts escape!

As part of aging, an inherent process in every human being, neurons are lost which never recover and which in the long term give rise to conditions such as senile dementia andl Alzheimer. However, there are nutritional habits that can prevent it.

"A very important part for the conservation of neurons is glucose, since it is the one that feeds perfectly the cell . Therefore it is important that in each meal time it is necessary to include this component and always accompany it with a protein to avoid increases in insulin, "he said in an interview to GetQoralHealth the nutritionist Ana Gómez.


Do not let your thoughts escape!

The neuron is a cell that does not feed itself or fat or protein, But what are the ideal options to not gain weight and take care of the health of the rest of the body? Gómez gives you some.

1. Eat whole grains. They are all those that contain the peel, since it is not refined as much as white bread.

2. Variety in each group . Example, do not consume the same fruit, meat or cereal .

3. Combination If you combine two foods you can generate natural substitutes: lentils with rice create a protein of the same quality as that of meat, which can be dispensed with in some dishes.

4. Adequate. That no more or less than what the body needs is consumed.
Innocuous It does not have any type of toxin.


According to a study by the Autonomous University of Barcelona , a diet rich in polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids, increases the production of stem cells in the brain (neurogenesis) and enhances their differentiation in various types of neuronal cells ”.

Take care of your neurons through the consumption of foods rich in nutrients and proteins. Beware!

Video Medicine: Tony Robbins on How to Break Your Negative Thinking (April 2024).