Do not let it beat you

While most people are nostalgic for the warm days left behind, others are severely affected by the dark winter and suffer from the depression known as seasonal affective disorder. Hence the importance of knowing ways to combat it.

According to the researchers of the University of Copenhagen , the seasonal affective disorder may be caused by the increase in transporters serotonin , which in turn decreases its activity in the brain , affecting the mood .


"Sunlight keeps the settings naturally low, but when the nights lengthen during the fall and winter there is an increase in SERT levels, which results in decreased amounts of serotonin active ", says Brenda McMahon , author of the study.


Do not let it beat you

In order to cope with this situation, we present some ways in which you can combat the seasonal affective disorder in a simple way, by increasing the levels of serotonin in your organism

1. Enlighten yourself. An investigation of UBC Hospital in Vancouver shows that the light therapy is effective against symptom this depression , so you can buy a "light box" for your home, it has a specific type of light rays.

2. Exercise. Scientists of the Princeton University , they assure that the physical activity , especially the aerobic exercise not only increases the serotonin at brain , but keeps those levels high for hours after it was done.

3. Laugh. Search the activities that make you happy , that make you smile, like watching a comic movie, they are able to relive the mood significantly, indicates a study of the University of Montreal .

4. Walk outdoors. A document of the McGill University , in Canada, indicates that even on cloudy days, the strength of sunlight in the open air is still much more powerful than anything you can get indoors. Your benefit is double if you do it accompanied.

5. Pamper yourself. Receiving a massage is a good way to combat seasonal affective disorder , since it helps raise in the brain and organisms the levels of the missing substance, corroborates a study of the University of Miami School of Medicine .

6. Sleep. Information from the National Library of Medicine says that getting enough sleep (six to eight hours) helps control symptom of this disorder. For this it is also important to mark a routine of dream (what time do you go to bed and get up)?



Matthew Macaluso , director of research of clinical trials in psychiatry and behavioral sciences of the University of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita , between the symptom they find themselves feeling slow and sad , decrease in appetite , lack of concentration and interest.

In case of any alert, you must visit your doctor and, together with your treatment, implement these ways to combat the seasonal affective disorder , keep your spirits and smile to life every day.

Video Medicine: you know that We are Worth it * , stop bullying , don't let it beat you * (April 2024).