Disorders of smell and taste are imperceptible

The five senses that the human being has to perceive the world that surrounds him are equally important. However, there are two that are closely related. The brain it needs so much of the sense of smell , as of taste , to distinguish most of the smells .

Unfortunately, when a person partially loses the smell or the taste , does not pay much attention, because it does not cause pain or serious alterations to your daily routine; however, it can be very frustrating for anyone, because they do not enjoy the food , the drink or any to Rome , in the same way.

The smell and the taste , work together: the taste buds of the tongue identify taste, the nerve of smell recognizes odors. Both sensations are transmitted to brain , where information is combined so that flavors can be recognized and appreciated.

Although some flavors can be distinguished without the intervention of smell (such as salty, bitter, sweet or sour), other more complex flavors (such as chocolate), require both senses to recognize them.

The smell disorders can be serious, since the person who suffers this type of alterations, would not recognize the smell of smoke from a fire, a gas leak or food in decomposition.


The disorders can be:




Anosmia (Loss or reduction of the sense of smell)

It is usually the result of an insignificant obstruction or nasal congestion. However, in some cases it may be a symptom of a neurological or idiopathic disorder (the cause can not be identified). People who suffer from this condition, perceive insipid foods, since the distinction between one flavor and another is based largely on smell.

Natural process of aging. Nasal pits irritated by a cold. Serious infections of the nasal passages. Radiotherapy.Cranial trauma. Rhinitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose).Sinusitis .Tumors nasal and neighboring areas. Nasal polyps (fleshy formations of the nasal mucous membrane). Deviation of the nasal septum. Cocaine consumption, tobacco or vasoconstrictors.

Hyperosmia (Excessive increase in sense of smell)

It is much less frequent than Anosmia.

Pregnancy. Menopause. Basedow's disease (hyper-production of the thyroid gland).

Disosmia (distortion in the sense of smell

Makes harmless odors unpleasant

Sinus infection. Partial lesion of the olfactory nerves. Infections in the mouth, which produce a bad smell that is perceived by the nose.Depression .Epilepsy .

Ageusia (reduction or loss of the sense of taste)

It is usually caused by disorders that affect the tongue.

Common cold. Flu. Viral pharyngitis.Aging . Dry mouth.Smoking intense (especially those who usually smoke pipe). Deficiency of vitamins (vitamin B12) or minerals (zinc). Injury to the mouth, nose or head Gingivitis. Bell's palsy (decreased ability to move the face). Sjogren's syndrome. Radiation therapy in the head and neck. Anticancer drugs or antidepressants.

Disgusia (Distortion of taste)

It may be a consequence of the same factors that cause loss of taste. Burns of the tongue can temporarily destroy the taste buds . Paralysis of one side of the face caused by a malfunction of the facial nerve.Depression .

This type of disorders can also accompany or indicate the existence of diseases or conditions such as:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Bad nutrition
  • Degenerative diseases of the nervous system, such as: Parkinson Y Alzheimer's .


It is necessary to carry out:

  1. Complete clinical history
  2. Physical examination: assessment of the nose, oral cavity and pharynx
  3. Nasal endoscopy Y laryngoscopy
  4. Laboratory tests: to rule out possible allergies or problems of sinusitis
  5. A Magnetic resonance (RM) or Computed tomography (TC)
  6. Tests that quantify the olfactory loss Y gustatory (how to measure the lowest concentration of a chemical that the person can recognize and compare the tastes and smells of different substances)


The doctor will determine the treatment and it will depend on the cause that causes the disorder, for example:


  1. If the problem is obstructive, the defect must be corrected (deviation of the nasal septum or nasal polyps).
  2. In case of allergy, the doctor will indicate a specific treatment to attack it
  3. When it is caused by viral infections , usually improves in three or six months
  4. If it was caused by any medication, the doctor will immediately stop it

Although it is a disorder uncommon and often begins imperceptibly, it is important to see your doctor in case you feel a change in the way you perceive the smells and the flavors , to receive the best treatment and recover their senses as soon as possible.

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