Diseases that surround boxing

Boxing is a sport in which two people fight with each other, only with their fists. In each encounter the objective is to hit the opponent, to try to provoke his fall and incapacitate him to get back on his feet and defend himself within ten seconds; But in this physical activity are there risks? Many boxing celebrities are also known for their illnesses.

When we talk about boxing, we refer to capeones as Oscar de la Hoya, Mike Tyson or Julio Cesar Chávez, but also to names like that of Tommy Morrison who participated in the movie "Rocky V", and that he just died at 44 years old.

Diseases that surround boxing

Sport that causes emotion and suspense, is also related to some health conditions. Here we tell you 3 diseases that some boxing celebrities experience:

1. Parkinson and Muhammad Ali. A man who conquered the world heavyweight title three times, he was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 1984, three years after he retired. In 1997 he founded the Parkinson's Center Muhammad Ali (MAPC) which aims at research and emotional care of patients with this disease.

2. Stroke and Antonio Nazareth. He started in professional boxing in 2005, with only 23 years of age he faced Omar Chavez, son of Julio César Chávez for the second time. In the fourth round, the fight stopped and the champion's son was awarded the victory; Nazareth suffered a faint and was quickly transferred to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a stroke from which he died.

3. Manny Pacquiao and Alzheirmer. At 34 years of age, it was said that this boxer suffered from Alzheimer's, although later the information was denied. A study conducted by the neuroscientist John Hardy , indicates that the blows can end in brain injuries that, in turn, can lead to Alzheimer's, this after studying this sport at the 2012 London Olympics.

Performing a physical activity for 30 minutes a day can help you maintain your health, provided you do it with the proper precautions and that is suitable for you. Beware!