Diseases caused by lack of vitamins

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important for the eyes and the immune system. It is found in milk, eggs, liver, oranges and red fruits, palm oil and leafy vegetables. Vitamin A deficiency can cause night blindness and diarrhea.

Vitamin B

A symptom that a person lacks B vitamins is when their health is altered or decreased little by little. This is mainly because vitamin B is responsible for so many activities in the system such as nerve transmission, cell differentiation, heart rate of the pulse, digestion, muscle contraction, brain function, energy production to through the processes.

Someone who lacks vitamin B may experience one or more of the following symptoms:


  • Inability to concentrate, easily irritated
  • Chronic exhaustion
  • Episodes of crying
  • Insomnia
  • Indigestion
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Nervousness
  • Paranoia and fear that something terrible is going to happen
  • Eruptions
  • Pain
  • Depression
  • Tingling in the fingers and toes

When vitamin B deficiencies become chronic, there are side effects that include problems with the adrenal glands.


Vitamin C

Lack of vitamin C can cause scurvy. In adults, the lack or deficiency has its origin in a low vitamin C diet.

Pregnancy, surgery, breastfeeding and burns can also increase the body's needs in this vitamin, as well. Smoking increases vitamin C deficiency by 30 to 50%.

The cases of scurvy in children are not rare, but this happens because the breast milk that is supplied to them does not have enough vitamin C to maintain them. There are also infant formulas are fortified with vitamins.

For adults, a diet low in vitamin C for a few months can cause bleeding in the gums, under the skin (specifically hair follicles that appear as bruises) and through the joints.

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency for children include pain during movement, loss of appetite and irritability, in addition to bone growth retardation, anemia and bleeding may also occur.

Scurvy is diagnosed based on the person's symptoms. Blood tests only detect low levels of vitamin C. The treatment for scurvy is the daily intake of vitamin C supplements. This is also the same treatment for those who suffer from anemia.


Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is rooted in inadequate exposure to sunlight. The limit disorders of the absorption of nutrients in the body can not fix the metabolites.

Its lack also affects the bone mineralization making the bones weaker. In children, rickets can occur and in adults, osteomalacia also contributes to osteoporosis.

Rickets is a childhood disease that is defined as growth that is impaired or deformed bones. Osteomalacia is a disorder in which the bones become thinner and occurs in adults. The muscle weakens and the bones become brittle. Osteoporosis is the condition where bone mineral density is reduced and the most fragile bones become.

Rickets is a major health problem in the United States. This is the reason why Americans are encouraged to drink milk. In fact, many celebrities, athletes and political icons have lent their services in the 'Got Milk' announcement to increase milk consumption.

The lack of vitamin D is also associated with susceptibility to other diseases such as tuberculosis, cancer, hypertension, sclerosis, chronic pain, periodontal disease, seasonal affective disorder, depression and schizophrenia.

Therefore, the best way to avoid these ailments is to ensure that they receive the necessary dose of vitamins A, B, C and D.

Video Medicine: Vitamins and their deficiency diseases - Static GK for Entrance Exams (April 2024).