Discover the ABC of high blood pressure

Do you have overweight , Do you smoke , babies alcohol and the stress Is it part of your life? Watch out! You could be the ideal candidate to suffer arterial hypertension . According to a study conducted by the National Heart Institute of Lung and Blood from the United States, revealed that it is one of the most frequent diseases in the western world.

What provokes it?

Many factors can affect the blood pressure , in addition to the type of stressful life that we lead. The doctors point out that some risk factors are: the amount of water and salt in the body, the state of our kidneys; state of our nervous system, blood vessels and levels of different hormones in the body.

As the body age , the blood pressure It is altered and can rise. This is because the blood vessels become stiffer with age. When this happens, the hypertension .

If this happens, the chances of suffering a cerebrovascular accident , a heart attack , heart failure, or some kidney disease, increase.

Candidates to be hypertensive

A person faces an increased risk of high blood pressure, if:

  1. Do you have obesity or overweight
  2. Suffer from stress I anxiety
  3. You eat a lot of food rich in sugars and carbohydrates
  4. You have a family history of arterial hypertension
  5. You suffer diabetes
  6. Smoke

However, doctors from National Heart Institute of Lung and Blood of the United States, indicate that it can occur without the presence of these symptoms, which is termed as essential hypertension .

The hypertension caused by another medical condition or motivated by certain drugs, is called secondary hypertension and may be due, among other factors, to:

  1. Problems of alcoholism
  2. Arteriosclerosis
  3. Chronic kidney disease
  4. Consume of cocaine
  5. Diabetes
  6. Endocrine disorders such as adrenal tumors, thyroid disorders and Cushing's syndrome
  7. Suppressive medications appetite or anorectics (contraceptive pills, certain cold medicines, corticosteroids, medications for the migraine , among others)


Symptoms of hypertension

In most cases, there are no symptoms. However, some signs that may occur are:

  1. Chest pain
  2. Confusion
  3. Ringing or noise in the ear
  4. Fatigue
  5. Headache
  6. Irregular heartbeat
  7. Nosebleed
  8. Changes in vision

If you present headache strong or any of the symptoms mentioned above, it is advisable to consult your doctor. They can be a sign of having a blood pressure dangerously high.

Learn to control your pressure

In addition to going to the doctor, doing regular checkups and taking the medicine that the health expert can recommend, you can do many things to help control your blood pressure :

  1. Consume a heart-healthy food , which includes consuming potassium, vegetables, fiber and drinking natural water
  2. Do exercise regularly (at least 30 minutes per day)
  3. Yes Do you smoke , the ideal is that you stop doing it
  4. Reduce the amount of alcohol you take
  5. Decrease the amount of Salt what do you consume
  6. Avoid factors that cause you stress
  7. Stay in a body weight healthy

If to this you add a real change of attitude to improve your quality of life, with a diet balanced and the constant practice of exercise , your life will improve.

Do you suffer from hypertension? What have you done to eradicate it?

Video Medicine: Blood Pressure : How to Lower High Blood Pressure Naturally (April 2024).