Did they break your heart?

The human being is imperfect by nature, and makes mistakes that not only damage who made the action, but also who was the object of it; however, how simple is it forgive and forget Who broke your heart?

There is a big difference between forgive and forget, although both concepts are closely related. People, over the years, store the wounds as part of their memories and, like them, are continuously projected into the individual's present, preventing their growth.

For Fred Luskin , psychologist and director of Forgiveness Project of Stanford University Forgiveness does not mean accepting cruelty or forgetting that something painful has happened or excusing bad behavior; nor does it imply reconciliation with the offender.

Luskin suggests that forgiveness serves to rest and does not imply that the offender will get away with it. It means not suffering eternally for that aggression.

It is necessary that you learn forgive and forget if you want to continue with your life. Thus, GetQoralHealth offers you some keys that will help you achieve this goal:

1. Recognize your feelings . Evading will not help you at all. Live and analyze the sadness and anger you feel.

2. Everyone makes mistakes, including you. Nobody is except. Before judging, think before about the conditions and what caused the problem and, consequently, the rupture.

3. Decide to forget. The hard part is not forgetting, it is making the decision that it is time to do it. If you do not, you will never be able to leave your past behind, therefore you will be deprived of the opportunity to enjoy the present.

4. Give yourself a space. Do not be afraid of loneliness, it can help you find the most important person in your life: you. Give yourself a space. Do activities that generate emotional and physical pleasure.

5. Time A relationship does not last a minute or two hours, therefore, the pain can not fade in that way. Give yourself time and allow it to flow; Not only will it help you heal wounds, it will allow you to see things from another point.

Forget and forgive they are actions that will allow you to be at peace with yourself, and they will help you to continue on your way.

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