Diagnosis of breast cancer in pregnancy

Sometimes breast cancer is detected in pregnant women or who have just given birth.

The National Cancer Institute of the United States calculates that the cancer of mom in this sector of the women appears with greater frequency between 32 and 38 years old , in one of every 3 thousand pregnancies.

It is difficult to detect breast cancer at the beginning of pregnancy or in the breastfeeding phase, because in the anatomy of women, during these periods they present sensitive, inflamed and swollen breasts, making it difficult to detect small masses with the simple touch in a self-exploration , which affects late detection.

Due to these characteristics, cancers are often detected at a more advanced stage. The breast exam should be part of prenatal and postpartum care.

If any anomaly is detected, one or more of the following tests may be used:

  • Ultrasound : High frequency sound waves bounce off internal tissues or organs. Rebound waves form an image of structures called an echogram.
  • Mammography or mammography : it is an x-ray of the breast. When this study is practiced, the risk to the fetus is low.

Video Medicine: Breast Cancer in Pregnancy | Gina's Story (April 2024).