The intimacy of the bedroom shelters behind its doors, not only desires, passion and love, but also some kind of sexual attraction , which many people would consider taboo; example, the devotee and wannabe.

What is normal? Obviously it is clear that the concept of normality in human sexual behavior is marked by laws, morals, culture and societies, and they vary according to the times. Therefore, what is normal for some may be abnormal or strange for others.

The specialist Maria Elena Villa Abrille , in a work published by the Argentine Society of Sexuality, points out that devotee is the sexual attraction , almost obsessive, felt by some individuals to look at others who suffer some type of physical disability.

Generally, those who practice this philia are ashamed of it and exercise it clandestinely: they collect photos, videos, books and everything related to the object of their desire.

The wannabe, is the expression of devotee to the limit. In this paraphilia the person is not satisfied with looking, wants to feel in the flesh the physical disability. For him his life is null and incomplete unless he suffers from some kind of corporal restriction.

This type of sexual attraction He is present in men and women, and although there have been few studies related to them, it is believed that there is a relationship with the feeling of domination or being dominated.

The devotee and wannabe generate controversy, beyond being philias, since they question the expression and sexual attraction of people suffering from some physiological impairment.

Everything in sexuality is allowed, as long as there is respect and the opinion of both parties is accepted. Trust is always essential in any sexual practice.

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