Crisis of half of life

The crisis in the middle of life It is characterized by the sudden onset of atypical moods. Fantasies, emotions, feelings and ideas appear that were not there before. It feels a lot anguish and disorientation.

Normally we usually justify these states of mind by attributing them to the couple, to work, or to any other difficult external circumstance, but the truth that is causing this crisis is nothing more than an internal psychic movement: a conflict

The conflict is the warning that you are not being whole. Your performance in the world is being limited, you act in a particular way to avoid feeling the pain, or you act on the basis of what you think others expect of you. In any case, you are limiting your freedom . You are not developing your potential and then you find that many people dislike you, you are too aware of the shortcomings of others.

Only when our own goals and dreams We stop being so attentive to how others are. We stop criticizing and projecting ourselves because we are more occupied in the task of knowing ourselves and being ourselves.

While we deny the existence of certain traits in us, we continue to perpetuate the myth that others have something that we do not possess. When we admire someone we are in the possibility of finding our aspects, and also when we criticize it. Recovering these projections seems to be the only way.

The conflict is the proof that there is need for changes . The conflict is wonderful because it is warning us about the need to make contact with our unconscious. The more intense the conflict, the greater the need to re-establish a vital connection between consciousness and unconsciousness. Recognize that we are what we admire and that we dislike the other is one of the ways of knowing which aspects of our personality are struggling to come to light and only then we can solve the crisis.

Actually, when you experience the crisis of half of life what is happening internally is the process of belonging to another group of the species , or at least part of it. This means that the aspects of my personality that I have rejected in the first half of my life are in need of being manifested and hence the feeling of conflict . Many women and many men have suffered this crisis and envy apparently normal people who seem to have no conflicts.

The crisis of half of life is nothing but the invitation to a trip called auto discovery . We can not easily escape this obligation that means knowing ourselves. And we only have two alternatives before the painful symptoms of the crisis: to be conscious and voluntary participants of our process of passing to another group of our species or to be a disconsolate victims.

The crisis resembles a dark night of the soul. There are our unknown and undeveloped aspects. They want to be present in our lives. They are screaming from the deep of the unconscious and they come in the form of symptom .

The crisis tells us that the time has come for stop fooling and begin to be what we are meant to be. Until we do, the crisis will not be resolved.

Video Medicine: What's a Quarter-Life Crisis? (April 2024).