Creation of a new organ

Researchers of the University of Monash, Australia , they managed to create a proto-kidney from mother cells and through a process in vitro, in which they implant renal cells in the organism with the purpose of fighting diseases of this organ.

To know more details about the creation of this new kidney , we present the following video of the program Health with Gloria Contreras, from ExcelsiorTV.

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Creation of a new organ

The purpose of the study, published in the scientific journal Nature Cell Biology was that mother cells produce a cell type of kidney , but during development the scientists found that they could form two types of cells that are key to the formation of this organ.

To create a smallkidney , according to the ABC newspaper, the researchers implanted themother cells in perfectly calibrated concentrations of certain molecules called growth factors or trophic, to then guide them in the growth of this organ in a process that mimics the natural development in fetuses.

On the other hand, researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Guangzhou, China , they collected cells urine and they were also able to reprogram them to try to get results when fighting certain kidney diseases .

During their investigation, Chinese scientists were able to observe that the kidney cells they behaved like embryonic cells, reason why they were susceptible to be modified and created in an environment propitious for their evolution, which means a hope in the treatment of diseases like renal insufficiency and the acute or chronic kidney disease.

Video Medicine: Can you grow your own organs? (April 2024).