Correct your faults!

Are you tired of hiding all your faults and not making the most of the summer sun? There are some yoga postures that help you eliminate those problematic points from your body in a healthy and relaxing way.

According to information published in Health , the following yoga asanas will tone and thin your abdomen, buttocks, legs and hips, so that you forget the flaccidity and fat accumulation.


Correct your faults!

  1. Dolphin . This anasa will help you to eliminate the "bat wings" or the "salt shakers", since it stimulates the work in biceps, triceps and shoulders.

  2. Boat . Work the abdomen and lower abdomen with this movement; It is ideal to eliminate accumulated fat and define your body.
  3. Dog looking down . Tone your legs at the same time you strengthen your abdomen.

  4. Cow . Reduce your hips in an effective and relaxing way. With this posture you will forget the chaps, the cellulite and you will have a more stylized silhouette.
  5. Table . Say goodbye to the flaccidity of the bust with this asana. It is very important that you contract your abdomen in each movement.

  6. Lateral table l. With this yoga posture you will have strong and toned arms.
  7. Locust . If your back hurts or you have a bad posture, this asana will give you the strength and decrease the discomfort to the maximum.

If you are a beginner in this technique, it is best to start little by little to avoid any damage or injury. Try stretching exercises before starting and relaxation when finished.