Control your sugar with a walk

Walking at a quiet or normal pace for 15 minutes after eating helps reduce the levels of sugar in the blood during a 24-hour period, as well as walking for 45 minutes every day, according to a study of the George Washington University , U.S.

In accordance with Loretta DiPietro, researcher at the University School of Public Health and Health Services Department of Exercise Science , the walk helps reduce the levels of sugar in the blood and the possible maximum peaks -which are registered in the diabetes - thanks to muscle contractions that are recorded during a short and smooth journey after a meal.

The study, published in the magazine Diabetes Care, included participants aged 60 or older who were healthy, but at risk of developing type 2 diabetes because he does not exercise a lot and his levels of blood sugar fasting they were higher than normal.

As part of their results, the specialists observed that the participants had a better regulation of the sugar in the blood after taking a 15-minute walk after dinner, which is one of the meals that causes a significant increase in glucose which can last until the next morning.

Previous studies, published in the Journal of the United States Medical Association, coincide with this study since they show that exercising, in a continuous way, helps people with type 2 diabetes to control the levels of sugar in the blood .

Therefore, the results of this study show that walking 15 minutes after each meal could be an effective strategy to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, mainly among people who are more likely to develop the disease and older adults, the researchers warn.

Video Medicine: November - National Diabetes Month Walking Down Your Blood Sugar (Part 1) (April 2024).