Consuming fiber makes you more long-lived

Apparently having a diet rich in fiber , decreases the risk of death, revealed a study published by the National Institutes of Health and the Association of Retired Persons of the United States (AARP for its acronym in English)

The research related the consumption of fiber with a decrease in the risk of deaths from Cancer in men, but not in women, perhaps because men are more likely to die of some Cancer linked with the diet , like the esophagus.

The conclusion reached by the researchers is that the subsistence allowance high in fibers from grains, increase the strength of the organism. The study published in Archives of Internal Medicine, it included more than 388 thousand adults, between 50 and 71 years old.

Although it is known that most Americans do not get enough fiber in their diets, it is now confirmed that they consume less than 15 grams of fiber a day, when the recommendation is to at least consume 25 grams in women and 38 grams for men.

The study indicates that the men and women who consumed the highest amount of fiber they had 22% less chance of dying from some cause, compared to those who ingested less fiber .

The participants filled out a questionnaire between 1995 and 1996 in which they were asked about their eating habits. They were asked how often they consumed 126 specific foods. After more than 9 years, just over 31,000 of the people considered in the study had died.

In this regard, the doctor Frank Hu , of the Harvard School of Public Health He said: "The results indicate that the benefits of fiber in the diet go beyond the health of the heart."

Video Medicine: The 22 Best HIGH FIBER FOODS For Weight Loss [LOW CARB/PALEO] (April 2024).