
Undoubtedly one of the best remedies for lose weight It is cardiovascular exercise. One of the most effective is running, which in addition to helping you lose weight will keep your heart healthy. Here we show you the best tips to run and lose weight .

You can also see. 6 tips to start running

According to a study published by The University of New Wales , running is one of the exercises where you burn the most calories. It is the most recommended by coaches.

Here we show you the tips to run and lose weight



As in any exercise, if you are not constant, you will not see the results you expect. When you interrupt an exercise routine the body is 'deprogrammed' and the effort made is in vain.



Water as a source moisturizer is fundamental to lose weight . When we run we do not dehydrate and lose fluids. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water daily.



It is essential to follow an adequate diet when exercising. The specialists recommend a protein rich diet to lose weight and tone muscles.


Increase distance / speed

This must be gradual. It is recommended to increase the speed and distance every two weeks or a month, depending on the case. If it is an intensive training for a marathon or race, it should be every two weeks, if it is a routine of cardiovascular exercise You can only be every month.


Example, if you weigh 50kg and run 5km you burn 259 calories, if you run 10km you burn 518 calories.


Fruit with shell

Eat two to three fruits with peel between each meal. It seeks to eat fruit such as apple, peach or pear, which have less sugar; In addition, the shell contains fiber, which will help your intestinal transit.

If after these 5 tips to run and lose weight , you already dared to do it, do not hesitate, sign up for the Grupo Imagen race. The appointment is on April 23 in Mexico City, at 7:00 o'clock.

Registration is now open at the cost is $ 350 pesos. We are waiting for you!


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