Consequences of abuse in antidepressants

The depressive or depressants they are taken by patients who experience certain periods of sadness or depression, who need a drug that gives them extra comfort and relief. However, if you take too many, you will experience a variety of side effects and various complications.

Therefore, it is necessary that you never self-medicate, since depressants can be very dangerous if they are taken imprudently.

What are depressives?

They are described as psychoactive drugs that temporarily reduce the activity or function of a certain region of the mind or body. Some of its known effects include sedation, hypotension , that is, the decrease in blood pressure. Depressives are called that because of the effect they cause. They are known to be the functional opposite to stimulants.

The depressive They are used by millions of patients around the world. As medically prescribed medicine they can be used safely. Among its effects can lead to mental disability, are anti-convulsants , to anesthesia , insomnia Y muscle relaxation .


Utility of depressives

The depressants they are used clinically and independently to cause different effects. These can minimize the feelings of stress , anxiety Y panic . They can also cause sleep or relieve insomnia. Drugs can minimize attacks or seizures in patients suffering from epilepsy and eliminate pain and discomfort.

The depressive increase mood or sociability; These can relax the muscles for individuals suffering from spasms and muscle pain. The drugs can also reduce the heart rate and the blood pressure .

Therefore, it is necessary that before taking any type of antidepressant, consult your doctor, so that according to your profile and medical history, you will be prescribed the most suitable drugs so that you feel better and your quality of life is not affected. .

Video Medicine: The Dangers of Psychedelic Use (April 2024).