Congenital heart disease causes infant death

According to the Health Secretary (Ssa), the diseases Congenital heart diseases are the second cause of death in children under one year and the fourth in preschool children, so it is necessary to address them in time.

In information published by It is highlighted that 20 thousand babies present complications such as congenital heart disease , of which, only four thousand are submitted to surgery to correct it.

Health authorities say that one in five children with congenital heart disease have access to an operation. Therefore, Mexico launches the program "Children of Heart", which aims to reduce waiting lists in the main surgical centers of the country.

In 2008 alone, three thousand 239 children under four died malformations Congenital heart Meanwhile, from 1980 to 2010, infant deaths attributable to congenital heart disease increased from 5.5% to 21%.

Know what is congenital heart disease

It is a problem with the structure and functioning of the heart that occurs from birth.

In the next video, the Director of the "Menudos Corazones" Foundation, Amaya Sáez , explains the treatments and life expectancies:

The majority of cardiac defects are detected during a ultrasound at pregnancy . At the time of delivery, a specialist must be present to avoid any complications.

To prevent heart disease congenital patients should avoid drinking alcohol during the pregnancy and keep the sugar levels in the blood .

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