Colon cancer can be detected by labrador smell

With the power of smell , the dogs they can sniff and track almost any object, but a study shows that they are also able to detect colon cancer suggest Japanese researchers.

Research from the University of Kyushu reports that an eight-year-old female farmer named "Marine" is able to detect the Colorectal cancer among patients with 98% effectiveness. Marine was trained to rescue people, but now can detect 12 types of cancer through breath samples.

The objective of the study was to find out if the odor can become an effective tool for identify cancer of colon, according to Dr. Hideto Sonoda , project leader of Fukuoka University.

The Labrador managed to distinguish cancer samples and samples without cancer in 33 of the 36 breath tests and in 37 of 38 stool tests. "The canine odor judgment seems to be much more accurate in the initial stage of colorectal cancer," Sonoda said.

In contrast, stool blood test, a very simple type of test to detect colon cancer, manages to detect the disease only in 1 out of 10 cases, found the study published by the International Journal of Gastroenterology.Gut.

The dog identified cancer Even when the person was a smoker or had stomach problems, the study indicates.

Researchers pointed out that Marine was able to identify different types of cancer such as breast, stomach and prostate cancer, so it is suggested that there may be a smell in common between different types of cancer.

The next step could be to discover that chemical specifically, they are associated with colon cancer, and in other types of cancer, to develop tests that detect these chemicals and result in effective detection methods .

Source: Health Day

Video Medicine: Trained Labrador Can Sniff Out Colon Cancer - Brian Clement (April 2024).