Cognitive therapy reduces childhood migraine

The migraine is a headache chronic that occurs in 5% of children under 12 years of age, as well as in 20% of adolescents. Regularly, it is characterized by a sensation a discomfort in the middle of the head, which starts at the temple, invades the eye and is pulsatile.

According to information from the Health Secretary (Ssa), migraine may decrease with the prophylaxis with cognitive therapy , a treatment where one learns to control the thoughts and reduce those of a negative nature, with the aim that the patient controls the stress and situations could generate an attack. However, treatments to control the migraine They must be diagnosed by a specialist, who must study family history, clinical studies and factors related to the problem.

East headache intense has a duration of four hours; however, sometimes it lasts up to 72 hours. Among the most common symptoms that occur with the migraine are:

  1. Nausea
  2. Threw up
  3. Intolerance to noise and artificial or natural light
  4. Vertigo
  5. Loss of sensitivity
  6. Strength of the right and left hemisphere
  7. Perception of lights or colors before pain

Pain starts in the brain and it involves different nervous and chemical pathways, and the changes affect cerebral blood flow and tissues surrounding.

The doctor Minerva Lopez , attached to General Hospital of Mexico , mentioned that the migraine is a hereditary condition, because 80% of patients have a family member with this disease .

In addition, it is generated by abnormal brain activity, stress , foods such as strong cheeses, red wine, preservatives, mustard and raw onion, among others, as well as environmental factors.

The specialist noted that the probability of suffering from migraine increases with a prolonged fast, a long exposure to the sun or a break inadequate. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain good eating habits and dream .

Video Medicine: Biobehavioral Therapies for Migraine (April 2024).