Clubs of the third age to learn and have fun


When reaching the third age, you have greater freedom to perform or practice activities that were set aside for work, but the fact of having more time does not mean that we feel bored.


On the contrary, it is time to continue learning and feel productive. According to the Inapam, in Mexico there are more than 5 thousand 500 clubs of the third age in all the country. In them, activities that strengthen the independence, decision-making capacity, personal and community development of older adults are carried out. Take note!



1.- Computer Classrooms . The new technologies are the future; Seniors can not stay on the sidelines. For this reason, there are several computer courses, for older adults to become familiar with this technique and make it part of their lives.


2.- Libraries . These have a range of information, culture and leisure. Here you can spend an entertaining moment and learn a lot.


3.- Museums . In Mexico there are endless cultural offers. Most are free for the elderly, just by presenting your Inapam credential.


4.- Travels : There are very good offers for the elderly, which will allow you to know different states of the Republic. In this way, you will know, you will have fun and you will be able to spend more time with your family. Remember that the way you carry your old age will determine your quality of life.



Video Medicine: 2016 April LQ: Lions University of the Third Age - Lions Clubs Videos (April 2024).