Cholesterol generates sex hormones

The cholesterol is a fundamental part of life, it is an integral part of cell and an important part of the development of the human being, because it gives rise to various fundamental substances in the body, such as hormones sex, points out the cardiologist , Joel Estrada .

In short, this waxy substance helps the metabolism work properly However, the excess cholesterol in the blood can adhere to the arterial walls and narrow the arteries or even obstruct them.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the cardiologist, Joel Estrada, explains how cholesterol is detected and some recommendations to treat it.

Joel Estrada points out that high levels of cholesterol   LDL (low density lipoprotein) in the blood can increase the risk of diseases cardiac , so you must have a reasonable measure, according to the characteristics of each person.

Cholesterol can be reduced through exercise and a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables.

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