Cholesterol generates gallstones

The calculations in the vesicle they are a frequent problem, so it is estimated that 10% of the population has this alteration. The specialists explain that for genetic reasons the Mexican population has a greater predisposition to develop this problem. In this way the surgery of vesicle and bile ducts is one of the interventions with more demand within the service of Gastroenterology .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the director of the Uroclinic group Carlos Sánchez Moreno, Tells us what are the symptoms of gallstones:

The gallstones they are formed due to the various components of the bile , among those who find the crystals of cholesterol , which tend to join together to form sandstones that become larger and larger over time.

The main symptoms are pain in the mouth of the stomach , generally associated with the intake of high fat foods. This discomfort tends to radiate to liver and sometimes to the back, under the shoulder blade. In some cases, it can be presented sickness Y threw up .

This disease is more frequent in women older than 40 years, because during the pregnancy the vesicle he finds more time without being emptied by hormonal problems. It also manifests itself in children and older adults, although it is rare.

Currently laparoscopic surgery is the most effective alternative to treat this condition, since it is a minimally invasive intervention that allows rapid recovery of the patient.

Although it is a simple surgery, there is a danger that it will be carried out by inexperienced hands and that all the calculations or the bile ducts are injured; complication that is very difficult to treat and puts the patient's life at risk.

The most advisable thing is that after detecting the symptoms go to the doctor, who through an ultrasound can diagnose this condition.