Children with adult strength?

Most parents find it difficult to set limits when it comes to aggressiveness in children, as they face great doses of anger, fights, screaming, tantrums, blackmail or rebellion. However, because it is not something that corrects itself, there is a risk of developing behavior that will manifest itself in the home and affect those around it.

Aggression in children is a disorder, which if not detected and treated early from childhood, can cause the child to become socially unadaptable, and even reach adulthood as a violent person.

The specialist Milagros Figueroa, academic from the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), He mentions that when there is aggression in children, most of the cases are due to family influence, due to being in this nucleus.

When a child resorts to behaviors such as hitting, shouting or taking his anger to limits that put him at risk, aggressiveness is spoken of, so parents must begin to establish limits and punishments, without violence or aggression.

An example of this is to remove him to his room, to prevent him from watching the television, going out to play, etc., preventing him from doing his favorite activities, to make him understand that there are rules he must follow and that all his actions have a consequence.

In this sense it is important to point out that the support and respect that the rest of the family gives to the decisions of the parents, is fundamental for the child to understand the learning that they try to transmit to him.

The specialist emphasizes that the support of a psychologist or pedagogue is also very useful, so that he can carry out an analysis of the case, know the origins of the aggressiveness and recommend the appropriate treatment for him. "Prudence empowers words."

Video Medicine: The Strongest Kids In The World (April 2024).