Cheesecake with yogurt ice cream and berries

It's approaching May 10"Mother's day" and with it the opportunity to make mom happy with a delicious and nutritious recipe. Usually mom prepares food at home, but this time GetQoralHealth It has for you a delicious and simple recipe low in calories to spoil the queen of the home. Enjoy!


Cheesecake with yogurt ice cream and berries

(6 servings)



• 100 grams of light butter
• 200 grams of low-fat oatmeal or bran crackers
• 1 cup of light natural yogurt
• 1/4 cup of lemon juice
• 1 ½ envelope of unflavored grenetine
• 220 grams of low-fat ricotta cheese or cottage cheese
• 1/2 cup of low calorie sweetener
• 1 teaspoon lemon zest
• Raspberries, strawberries and blueberries (for decoration)


1. Grind the cookies in the blender and, ready, mix the melted butter in a bowl.
2. Pour the mixture into a large mold for pie or tart.
3. Using the fingers, distribute the mixture so that the bottom is covered with the cookie.
4. In a pot, dissolve the grenetine in the lemon juice and let it hydrate for 5 minutes.
5. Heat until it dissolves completely.
6. Liquid cheese, yogurt, sweetener, lemon juice with grenetine and lemon zest.
7. Pour the mixture over the tartlets and refrigerate until completely set.
8. Before serving mold and decorate with red fruits.

This rich dessert cares for the figure of mom, provides calcium for your bones, fiber to promote digestion and vitamin C to protect also, your immune system. Happy day!

Video Medicine: No-Bake Raspberry & Greek Yogurt Cake - How to Make Greek Yogurt & Raspberry Cake (April 2024).