Cervical dysplasia, change in cells

The abnormal cells that reproduce on the cervix and that are caused by the Human papilloma virus They are called in medical terms: Cervical dysplasia . They can be identified through a microscope and although it is not considered a cancer , if it is a precancerous condition.

Most cases of cervical dysplasia appear in young women between 25 and 35 years of age, although it can appear at any age. There are some risk factors that increase or decrease the chances, such as giving birth before age 16, smoking or by have sex with many couples , factors that interact with the epithelium of the transformation zone, altering its structure due to damage to the cellular DNA causing dysplasia, according to the Journal of the Faculty of Medicine of the UNAM.

The Program of Prevention and Control of Cervical Cancer, developed in Mexico by the Ministry of Health, has informed through the magazine that the average age in which dysplasias are detected is between 25 and 30 years in the case of mild , 30 and 35 years in the moderate and 40 and 50 years for the carcinoma in situ and the microinvasor between 45 and 50 years of age. The invader It appears from 50 onwards.

Data from the medical publication indicate that 57% of women start their Sex life at a young age, which ranges from 16 to 20 years, which directly influences the development of mild dysplasia, because its cervical epithelium is still very unstable by the hormonal influx, the trauma of intercourse and the possibility of having multiple sexual partners in his future life.

There are different types of dysplasia and the type of lesions they present are asymptomatic in the great majority and are precursors of cancer. When symptoms appear as vaginal bleeding or pain in the lower back , it is possible that the condition has already evolved into cervical cancer. The taking of the Pap test will identify the lesions in a timely manner, and may be complemented by a colposcopy study.