Celebrate with your family, not in the hospital

The pyrotechnic games can be a beautiful and exciting show for both family and friends, but its lighting is best left to professionals; since they can cause accidents that result in burns.

People have a false sense of security before pyrotechnic games. The truth is that people usually do not stand at a safe distance from the place where the fireworks explode, and the worst part is that fireworks actually light up in their hands.

Such a situation can lead to facial burns, eye injuries and the amputation of the fingers, especially among children, as commented by the Dr. Donald Jenkins, trauma physician of Mayo Clinic


Celebrate with your family, not in the hospital

To avoid this situation we offer you the following tips:

1. Consume alcohol in moderation . Drinking too much alcohol can lead not only to making questionable decisions, but to presenting slower reflexes and a false confidence in oneself. All this can be dangerous when doing outdoor activities, with few exceptions.

2. Never suppose , in case of going to camp, that the fire is completely extinguished. On more than one occasion, it has been heard that campers throw gasoline or other flammable liquid in the fire that seemed extinguished or smoking and end up with third degree burns. In addition, it is common to go to the emergency room children and adults who stepped on the place of the campfire that they believed was already cold.

These types of injuries are almost completely preventable, says Dr. Jenkins. Then, do not put at risk the lives of your relatives and yours!

Video Medicine: Reacting to Old Baby Videos!!! (April 2024).