Carla Morrison vs skin cancer

Carla Morrison joins the Mexican Federation of Dermatology in the campaign against the skin cancer fight.

The increase of cases in Mexico it is alarming; Skin cancer is the first place in men and third in women.This type of carcinoma is due to the prolonged exposure of sunlight , the practice of outdoor activities, tanning beds and background in the family .

The main alarm features are

Asymmetry: is when there is a lunar that divided into two parts one of these is not equal to the other.

Irregular shape: If the termination of lunar It is irregular in shape, with recesses, it is necessary to revise it more thoroughly.

Color change: the color of lunar it intensifies or changes suddenly; It has blue or reddish areas.

Diameter: when the lunar exceeds more than 6 mm.


Most frequent types of skin cancer

Carcinoma Basocellular : It is the most common malignant tumor, mainly affects adults and light skin. It predominates in the face, it can be an elevation of the same color of the skin, reddish or dark, sometimes it looks like a scar, an ulcer that does not heal, bleeds occasionally, does not hurt and does not itch, it grows slowly.

Carcinoma Epidermoid : It occurs in adults with clear skin, it is more aggressive than Basocellular. It affects lips, face, scalp, ears, hands and genitals.

Malignant melanoma : it is the least frequent but the most aggressive, it can even cause death. It appears as a spot similar to a lunar and it grows into a tumor.

Here we present the following testimonial about skin cancer:

To detect skin cancer, it is important to be alert to any change in color in moles or skin. Remember that a diagnosis in time makes a difference.

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Video Medicine: Documental cancer de piel (April 2024).