Care and hygiene

To the first teeth they are known as "de leche", this name is given because they are whiter and smaller than those that will follow once they move.

As with the permanent denture , these first teeth have in their center, the nerve and pulp that give the sensitivity and humidity that the piece needs.

The milk teeth they appear between 6 and 9 months of age, but the earlier they leave the sooner they can fall; therefore the permanent teeth They leave before 6 years.

Usually the first ones appear incisors inferiors, followed by superiors; and later, the lateral inferior and superior; in that order.

The last piece that springs from the child are the first molars , the canines and second molars. Are 20 the milk teeth and in the order that they begin to emerge is the order in which they began to move to give rise to permanent ones.

Care and hygiene


  1. You must start wash your teeth the baby from the first rash, because there are already bacteria in the mouth.
  2. It is best to handle hygiene with a wet gauze if it is difficult to use a toothbrush for babies.
  3. If the little one already has incisors Y first molars , you can perform your first deep dental cleaning with the dentist, about 1 year and a half or 2 years
  4. During this whole stage it is important to control the intake of sweets Y sugary drinks.
  5. The baby should never go to bed with feeding bottle, sweetened liquids, juices , milk with chocolate or with cereals, this is because if you sleep eight hours all this becomes acids and later in cavities.

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Video Medicine: NH Care Companion: Hygiene (April 2024).