Cardiovascular disease 1st death cause

The cardiovascular diseases , which translate into diabetes , hypertension , Heart problems and heart attacks , are the first detonating of the deaths of women, revealed Ivonne García , president of the InterAmerican Heart Foundation of Mexico .

At a press conference, he said that each year 17.5 million people die worldwide worldwide, due to cardiovascular diseases, of which 9.1 million are women: "60.5% of adults in Mexico have at least one risk factor cardiovascular. The most alarming thing is that out of every 100 Mexicans, 20 die from cardiovascular diseases, more than from breast cancer, uterine cancer or diabetes. "

Risk factor's

García Richaud clarified that the overweight , obesity , lead a life sedentary , smoke and have a high blood pressure , are responsible for the development of heart disease, so he called for improving the lifestyle: "People should understand that if you modify your eating habits and start exercising every day, your chances of suffering a heart attack , having diabetes or hypertension, will be reduced significantly. "

In this sense, Ana Polanco , president of the Scientific Foundation of the laboratories AstraZaneca He said: "If a person wishes to reduce a risk of cardiovascular disease, they should perform 5 days a week for 30 minutes, but if they want to lose weight, they have to be 60 to 90 minutes, 5 days a week. This is a matter of awareness. "

For this reason, the InterAmerican Heart Foundation will launch the campaign on Monday, May 30: Let's save the hearts of womenwhose spokesperson is the singer Yuri , with the purpose that all females reduce their caloric intake, practice exercise and go to the doctor, to measure their cholesterol, sugar and triglycerides levels.