But what causes it?

Although you've gotten used to having your friends tell you "Sleeping Beauty", it's not rewarding to spend the whole day with sleep. And is that for more hours you rest, fatigue does not seem to diminish ...

However, this drowsiness has an explanation: "Resaca del sueño". Because when you wake up you experience symptoms similar to when you go partying: weakness, headache, irritation.


But what causes it?

The problem is in the circadian rhythms; the human biological clock that regulates the physiological functions of the organism.


Being tired, even when you have fallen asleep for hours, results in an interruption in this cycle: we awaken in a wrong stage of sleep, "he reveals. Michael Breus, clinical psychologist and diplomat of the American Board of Sleep.

The reason for this is because the brain, after having finished the repair and restoration of the body, awakens spontaneously; since for him the hours of sleep he needed are complete.

Although you should know that your age is a factor that increases the hours of rest, because the bigger we are, the longer it takes for our body to repair itself.


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